Minggu, 10 April 2011


Ketoprak is one kind of Indonesian food using a diamond is easy to find. Usually diamond sold using the stroller on the streets or on the sidewalk.

Its main components are know, rice noodles, cucumber, bean sprouts and can also be equipped with hard-boiled eggs with peanut sauce, soy sauce, and a sprinkling of fried shallots. It can also be served with crackers or chips extra melinjo. Some versions include tempe and others as components.


* 1 piece of tofu
* 50 grams of bean sprouts
* 100 grams of rice noodles
* 2 cloves garlic
* 1 red chili
* 2 pieces chili sauce
* 50 grams of peanuts
* 1 tablespoon soy sauce
* 1 tsp fried onions
* 50 grams sago crackers
* 1 teaspoon tamarind
* Salt to taste
* Sweet soy sauce to taste
* Oil for mneggoreng


* Fried know with enough oil until golden brown. Slices of fried tofu shaped dice.
* Bean sprouts washed and discard the roots. Boil bean sprouts until half cooked, remove and drain.
* Brewed rice noodles with hot water and drain.
* Java acid dissolved dengn 3 tablespoons water.
* Peanuts and fried sago crackers.

How to Make Seasoning Ketoprak:

* Peanut, garlic, red pepper and cayenne pepper pulverized / shear zones until smooth. Then add tamarind water, salt and soy sauce.
* Dilute with a little water and stir until evenly distributed.

How to Serve:

* Put in a dish, tofu, bean sprouts and bihum, then flush with the marinade, sprinkle with fried onions and sago crackers on top.

For 1-2 people.

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